lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Disfracé a la reina

Candela Berbel, reina departamental de Malargüe,  fue electa Reina Nacional de la Vendimia 2013. Tuve la suerte de poder hacerle un vestido para la producción de uno de los diarios mas populares de Mendoza, el diario online Mdzol( La designación de candidatas para los diferentes artistas fue de manera aleatoria. A mi me tocó la producción de la posterior Reina Nacional de la Vendimia 2013. Todo un orgullo poder hacer esta vestimenta.

In Mendoza we have an international festival called, Grape Harvest Festival, made on every march.  We have 17 districts in Mendoza, each one has an elected queen that would become the national queen in this festival. For this opportunity, Mzol ( made a art production with all these districts´s queens. I was designated to make the production for Candela Berbel, the queen of Malargüe, who became the National Queen of the Vintage 2013. I was very proud to make her dress for this production.  I was so lucky!

Candela in the hairdressing

Me sewing some details of the skirt

In the presentation of the customs

With the staff of Mzol online

Candela Bebel, becoming the National Queen

In the festival.